About the Company

Imaginary Friends Games are a happily married couple who’ve been together since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, who also happen to have been in and around the games industry for about that long. (Truly, 20+ years.) During that time we’ve variously worked as game designers, voice actors, Quality Assurance technicians, technical testers, writers/editors, marketers, analysts, corporate strategists, team leaders, and business development professionals.

We know what makes great games, and we’ve helped make plenty of other people’s games great as part of our jobs – but we’ve never made a game from scratch with our own four hands. We’ve always dreamt of making games together, and putting our own indie creations into the world, but held back from that dream because…who’s gonna draw it? (Neither of us are artists.) Who’ll write the code? (Neither of us are coders.)

We set up Imaginary Friends Games in 2019 and so far it has been a journey full of growth and learning – culminating in the release of our debut title, Shindig!

We want to make games that make people smile, make people think, and make people feel.

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